Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting - Giggles

By now, you know what Wednesday means..."Oh, How Pinteresting" with Michelle over at The Vintage Apple. I'm a little moody today so let's go with some giggles for a little pick me up, shall we?  

love! Bridesmaids
Source: via CM

Damn skippy
Source: via Michele

True that
Source: via Sarah
Source: via Lisa

Source: via  Erin
So that's where it all comes from?!
Source: via Carrie


  1. 'Midget Gasoline Thieves' HAHAHAHA!

    I LOVED this post. Thank you :)

    I am one of the co-hosts on the GFC hop. I came by to say hi and to follow. If you have a moment and would like to, you can visit me here The Things We Find Inside


  2. Oh myyyy that last pin is HILARIOUS. I just had to repin that hahah. And love that first pin! Makes me want to watch the movie again!

  3. I have to borrow the pic of the glass about being outdoorsy....there are tales of our deck being quite the Party Patio! And the Midget Gasoline Thieves? OMG! Hilarious!~


Thanks for taking a minute to send me a note! How I love a little love!